NESTING! With the car seat finished and only 4 weeks to go Paul and I spent the weekend getting last minute tasks completed so we are ready just in case she decides to come early. We got our changing table and all and the clothes and blankets washed. We bought newborn diapers and wipes. Started packing the suitcase so we can just grab and go. So many little details it feels good to get more organized. We only have two more birthing classes. Paul starts teaching again soon as I start to wind down at my job. Just three more weeks of work before maternity leave Yea!
Everyday the reality that we have someone new entering into our lives comes to light and we couldn't be more excited. It is so amazing how fast the pregnancy has gone. It just seems like yesterday that we found out our little bean was on the way. Although Paul and I are anxious and nervous we know we will be great parents with lots of love and joy to give to our little girl. We have a lot of learning and first time blunders to experience and we look forward to everything. We are so lucky to have so much support from family and friends to help guide us with our journey. How blessed we are to have this opportunity to mold our daughter into a stong and independant woman who is a part of both Paul and I. Babies are such a beautiful miracle. With all the love in the universe...
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