I'm 9 months old and there is so much I can do these days. I crawl really fast and like to get into things. I pull myself up to standing and have discovered a whole new range of motion. I love to chase after Fergus but he doesn't stick around long enough for me to catch him. My cousin Harper is my favorite source of entertainment. He moves so fast I can barely keep up just watching him. I also love to laugh at my Auntie B and Uncle Stephen. They are so funny!
I'm eating a lot of new foods lately. Correction... at least trying a lot of new foods. I haven't liked everything but I'm working on it.
I went to the doctor for my 9 month check up and I'm doing great. I weigh 16 lbs 15.6 oz and I'm 27.6" tall. I didn't have to have any shots this time which was awesome!